Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reports can periodically be published to show the actions taken by an institution in the area of sustainability and the interest it provides for its stakeholders. Sustainability reports are a strong communication tool for sharing information with stakeholders and increase brand loyalty. The sustainability index published by Borsa Istanbul can be considered a good reflection of the expectations of both investors and clients. Although they differ in content, institutions mainly report to CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and prepare reports for GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). GRI; is a non-profit organization providing a framework for institutions, allowing them to report the environmental, social and economic contribution and impact of their activities. GRI reporting allows institutions to transparently share with the public their contribution and impact on sustainability. CDP Climate Change and CDP Water programs aims to have institutions annually report on their impact and contribution on climate change and water issues. Sustainability Reporting help institutions:
  • Share their environmental awareness and sensibility on social issues with their stakeholders in a fair and reliable way,
  • Show that they value their employees and stakeholders,
  • Assess and monitor GHG emissions,
  • Assess necessary actions that must be taken to reduce water, energy, raw material, fuel consumption,
  • Undertake responsibility and leadership in the fields of sustainability,
  • Assess future opportunities and manage risks.
  • SEEM; with its staff of experts in specific fields, provides consultancy and training services in the field of sustainability reporting.