
Carbon Sinks and Decarbonization

We all know that decarbonization is the most fundamental step we need to take to limit the increase in global warming and its impacts. The only way to do this is to achieve a permanent and steady...

Starting Easy? Taking the easy way out?

Although the past decade is likely to be remembered as a period of pandemic, deepening economic crisis and protectionist policies swinging like a pendulum, climate change has concretely entered the...

We stole Thor’s hammer!

Humans have tried to make sense of weather events since ancient times. Because rain, snow and sun bring fertility in a certain cycle. It rains, the soil gets wet The sun is shining, seeds are...

Restorative Operations and “Carbon Negativity”

In the journey to minimize the impact of companies, governments and even individuals on the environment, issues such as creating a positive climate impact and going beyond zero emissions to negative...

Green Whitewash 101

The climate crisis has become a topic of increasing awareness as its impact has grown. Subsequently, issues such as combating the climate crisis and sustainability have entered the agendas of large...

Sustainability Manifesto!

Do we need to wait for everyone in the world to transform for a more sustainable world, or can we take small steps to start the transformation instead of waiting for it? Of course we can. Without...

Nature-Based Solutions to Global Warming: Why Is Green So Important?

We are going through a “modern” age in which the fallacy of measuring development by industrialization exposes our green spaces to the side effects of industrialization and we experience this effect...

Local Stakeholder Consultation Process of Seymen LFG Has Been Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of IBB Seymen Landfill Gas to Energy Project (Seymen LFG). In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process...

Informing the Local Stakeholder of IBB Solid Waste Project Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of IBB Solid Waste Plant Project. In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process of the IBB Solid Waste...

Informing Process of Local Stakeholder of IBB Biomethanization Project Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of IBB Biomethanization Power Plant. In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process of the IBB...

Informing the Local Stakeholder of Kızılcaterzi Wind Energy Project Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of Kızılcaterzi Wind Power Plant. In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process of the Kızılcaterzi Wind...

Informing Process of the Local Stakeholder of Baglama Wind Energy Project Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of Baglama Wind Power Project. In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process of the Baglama Wind Power...

Informing Process of Local Stakeholder of Tayakadın Wind Energy Project Started

SEEM Consulting conducts the Gold Standard consultancy of Tayakadın Wind Power Project. In accordance with the Gold Standard rules, the local stakeholder consultation process of the Tayakadın Wind...